Koukaku Kidoutai: Shin Movie

Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie

In the year 2027, a year following the end of the non-nuclear World War IV, a bomb has gone off in Newport City, killing a major arms dealer who may have ties with the mysterious 501 Organization. Public Security official Daisuke Aramaki hires full-body cyber prosthesis user and hacker extraordinaire, Motoko Kusanagi, to investigate. (Source: Wikipedia)

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Informações adicionais

Gêneros: Action,Award Winning,Mystery,Sci-Fi,

Episódios: 1

Status: Finished Airing


Nota: 7.42


Dia de lançamento:

Temas: Adult Cast,Detective,Mecha,Psychological,

Feito com ❤ por Niwau