Harenchi Koumon Manyuuki

Harenchi Koumon Manyuuki

Based on Nagai Gou's manga. The life of a young heiress is endangered by the will and ambition of Tokugawa Tsunai and his henchmen. The young woman, who calls herself Kurenai Mitanosuke, loves to dress as a samurai. She certainly should be more wary of her two obsessed bodyguards (Kaki and Suki) than of the danger that threatens her because, without her knowledge, her life is protected by a mysterious one-eyed shinobi... (Source: AniDB)

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Informações adicionais

Gêneros: Hentai,

Episódios: 1

Status: Finished Airing


Nota: 5.27


Dia de lançamento:

Temas: Historical,

Feito com ❤ por Niwau