Kobutori (1929)

The Stolen Lump

In Kobu-Tori, an old man with a lump growing on his face takes refuge in a hollow tree during a thunderstorm. When he awakens, he finds the forest populated by mythic creatures. He dances with the sprites and as a reward, the creatures remove his deformity. Back in the village, he tells another man who has a similar growth on his face. Will the creatures bestow the same boon upon this other man? (Source: 100 Years of Movies)

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InformaçÔes adicionais

GĂȘneros: Comedy,

EpisĂłdios: 1

Status: Finished Airing


Nota: 5.89


Dia de lançamento:

Temas: Mythology,

Feito com ❀ por Niwau